
Penelope Andrews, president of Albany Law School of Union University, moved into legal academia in the mid-1980s because of both identity and circumstance: She was a black woman from South Africa, at Columbia Law on a student visa and completing her degree during the height of apartheid.

“The South African government had declared a state of emergency,” Andrews said in a telephone interview. “Despite a job offer, I couldn’t get a green ALBANY ANDREWScard and I feared that I’d be arrested if I returned home. Happily, a Columbia law professor suggested I teach in a law school somewhere in the British Commonwealth.” Continue reading


Touro Law CenterSTUDENT NAME:
 Alanna McGovern

LAW SCHOOL: Touro College, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center

STATUS: 3L (full-time/day student)

UNDERGRADUATE: Stony Brook University, B.A. in English

OTHER EDUCATION: Study abroad with Sacred Heart University program in Dingle, Ireland. Concentration: Theology and Native Irish Spirituality

HOME CITY/State: Babylon, New York

Alanna McGovern, a much honored 3L at the Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, is among that rare breed of people who have wanted to be lawyers for as long as they can remember. So long that her family members – truck drivers, medical technologists, nurses, police officers but no lawyers – initially dismissed it as the babbling of a 4-year-old. That’s right, 4-year-old. Continue reading


TOURO SALKI2If there is one subject in which Patricia Salkin is fluent – even more, perhaps, than the land use laws on which she is an expert and the intersection of law and governmental affairs where her experience is longstanding – it’s the lives and life stories of her students at the Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center.

And if there is one thing that infuriates and energizes Salkin, the dean, it’s that the data used to recommend a law school (or not) don’t reflect the true quality of the education her students receive and the opportunities available to them. Continue reading


BAR EXAM CHART imageA record drop in scores on the standardized bar exam used in almost every state — forcing thousands of prospective lawyers to retake the test — is drawing scrutiny from law school deans nationwide.

Among their questions are whether the biggest slide in almost 40 years indicates technical flaws in the test or the scoring as well as whether the exam is keeping pace with a rapidly changing curriculum.
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LAW SCHOOL: Cornell Law School


UNDERGRADUATE: The Johns Hopkins University, B.A. in Public Health Studies

HOME CITY/STATE: Fanwood, New Jersey

Nora Ali, a 3L at Cornell Law, knows the value of finding the right fit in a law school.  Not because Cornell helped her secure an interview with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison in New York, the prestigious U.S. firm where she will be working after graduation and passing the bar.  But because after a near disastrous first semester, Cornell Law enabled her to marshal her considerable intelligence and abilities, and reverse the fall. Continue reading
