Preparing for Law School
Advice and Tips on Your Finances and Application
Pre-Law Advisers Explain It All: Tips for Aspiring Law Students

SPONSORED CONTENT: When Should You Take the LSAT?
The LSAT is a somewhat unique test, in that it is offered only four times each calendar year. And due to the nature of admissions, as well as college schedules (which affect the majority of test takers), each of those four administrations has certain pros and cons that need to be weighed when choosing a test date. The experts at PowerScore Test Preparation tell you what points to consider. Read More

Law School Application Checklist
Applying to law school is an investment in time and money. Before you start the process, you should research law schools and talk to your pre-law advisor to decide if law school is the right choice for you. The key is planning ahead. When you’re ready to start, be sure to follow each school’s application requirements and deadlines. Read More

A Primer on the LSAT
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day standardized exam, administered by the Law School Admission Council four times each year at testing centers throughout the world. The exam is designed to gauge critical thinking, comprehension, analytical and logical skills to assess an applicant’s likelihood of success in law school. Read More